
Bringing you all the latest must-know news, Sheehan has expertise in politics, entertainment, travel, and sports.

Recently, Sheehan has been doing extensive coverage in the entertainment world. Breaking news to fans world-wide of HBO Max’s DC Titans, Sheehan has accumulated hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube for his exclusive cast interviews. Now, Sheehan interviews multiple actors, directors, and crew members of films from all over.

Sheehan recently left TV News for a job in Media Relations. He is currently working on a “Heart of Illinois Wine Tour” and is grilling up a Barbecue Ribs tour. Stay tuned for those!

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Recent Stories

You can read all of Sheehan’s articles on his Meet the Team page on CiProud.com

Podcast Appearances

Sheehan enjoys being a guest on entertainment podcasts. You can hear about his exclusive content from DC Titans and his hopes for Titans season 4 on the Vigilante 1939 Podcast here!

Travel Journalism Articles

Checkout my post about Roatan, Honduras, Holland, Michigan and more!

DC Titans Coverage

Sheehan secured numerous cast interviews for HBO Max’s DC Titans. You can hear from Brenton Thwaites (Nightwing), Curran Walters (Jason Todd/Red Hood), Joshua Orpin (Superboy), Jay Lycurgo (Tim Drake), Damaris Lewis (Blackfire) and showrunner Greg Walker.